Evil Defenders

Evil Defenders uses key items most fans of tower defense games enjoy. To name a few: having numerous upgrading options at hand, a charming presentation, as well as the kind of turret layout options that will require you to ponder your decisions with care. It’s take on the genre is not unique, however, and borrows heavily from Kingdom Rush. While similar in defense concepts, this game interjects its own flavor to the mix. Does it succeed in providing a unique experience? Does its strategic elements allow for diverse strategic approaches? Will fans of Kingdom Rush find a kindred spirit in Evil Defenders, or a lackluster reminder of a more favored series?

Evil Defenders begins with a comical cutscene depicting thumb-faced humans gathering together to fight the forces of evil. There’s a twist, you do not play as the brash and brave humans, but the sinister forces of evil. Like the game’s name suggests, you control orcs bombers, goblin archers, and skeleton soldiers attempting to thwart the onslaught of knights and pitchfork wielding villagers. This is done by building defensive towers, each with its own unique method of dispatching attackers.

Towers need to complement each other, they must overlap in such a way that they both hold and exterminate waves in bottleneck locations. Understanding how the static ground based skeletal soldiers function becomes a key strategy for winning. These units are also represented by a tower but its deployment differs from other towers. These units are generated by the ground tower, as well as replaced by it when they fall in combat. As enemy forces approach these skeletal soldiers hold them in place with hand-to-hand combat. While these soldiers do little counter damage (at first) holding advancing forces at bay allows other towers to damage them longer. In later stages, towers can specialize into one of three upper tier defensive structures. For the ground skeletons, they can become banshees that strike fear into enemy waves, archers that can attack at range, or black knights with higher health and defense.

Στο συγκεκριμένο βίντεο περιγράφεται ο τρόπος παιξίματος του Evil Defenders του River Pass στο επίπεδο standard. Evil Defenders is a fun, frenetic defense game with a bit of humor thrown in. Featuring beautiful graphics and challenging gameplay, Evil Defenders lets you build and upgrade powerful defensive. This game is now available on Steam! Thanks for your help in getting this game selected for distribution via Steam. More information including a link to the Steam store page can be found below.

There is another type of tower designed to slow waves simply called the Stun Tower, this one disperses waves of energy that slows enemies. Each of its three specialty types can also add a layer of additional passive debuff to advancing troops. One reduces their armor abilities, while another reduces their attack speed abilities and so on. Both the ground troops and the slow towers are the only two tower types you can utilize to slow advances of forces. Their use and deployment require judicial placement, while slowing waves is important, these towers are easily overrun without supporting elements.

Fortunately, every other tower in your arsenal deals considerable damage to enemies, and more so if you can detain them underneath them. A mortar tower drops wide area damage bombs on enemies, each of its three specialized tower focus that explosive damage in different ways. Goblin archer towers, may fire at a slow pace, but have a fire far ranging strike area. Each of its three trees focus its abilities into either rapid fire, high damage slow speed sniper huts, or explosive ground shots. Mage towers do considerable damage, and can be upgraded to either do additional fire damage, or other effects. Which specialization you decide to branch into will likely be decided by the types of enemies you face, and the upgrades you’ve invested in. No one type of tower is the “solution” to a level, they require a balanced approach as some enemies can simply bypass the damage of one tower but others.

Abilities augment your towers, and are separate from tower placements. These abilities include a lightning strike that does considerable damage on a single spot, with a long cooldown period. A teleportation ring which sends enemies back to an earlier point. A mammoth hell spawn creature that can be summoned as an invincible ground soldier is your third ability.

Aside from upgrading towers while in levels, there is a global upgrade tree available from the overview screen. Abilities, your tower’s base stats, and gold acquisition (the point system by which all level based upgrades are made), can be modified by placing points into each category. These upgrade points (called souls) are earned with each level you master. Returning to a previously defeated level and increasing its difficulty allows you to earn more souls.

Upgrades, upgrades, and more upgrades, that is the principle message of this game. Each tower and skill has over 10 upgrades. These alter the amount of damage they can produce, or their attack speed, or enhance its specialty tower abilities. Global tower upgrades have no bearing on the look of your defensive tower, however upgrading tower levels during your level does produces visual changes. Each more powerful tower level has a more menacing look to match its new status.

There are charming details in Evil Defenders, aside from different looks for the towers. Your mortar lobbing orcs grasp their controls with grime covered goggles, like mad scientists. Goblins sport bandannas and sinister grins as they snipe their targets. Skeletons clamber towards enemies with a pimp limp, sounds of clashing shields and swords take over as they do battle. Units and towers have their own battle phrases as these skirmishes occur. There are some animations that could use some work, but overall the game has pleasant aesthetics. Battle chatter, I found, becomes mildly irritating as the same chatter begins to loop.

There is a painful ulcer that begins to form as you play Evil Defenders: the constant grind required to not only upgrade towers, but even progress to the next mission. Each new level starts with a 10 wave “easy”, not enough to fully upgrade towers for meaningful advantage. Early on, this does not affect gameplay much, as one ground tower and a mortar tower take care of most enemies. Later on, these “easy” 10 waves are anything but. Want more gold to upgrade towers faster? Well each upgrade ability tops off at 5, and it takes a considerable amount of souls to max out your gold production. What this boils down is replaying 2-3 early levels a dozen times to get enough souls to move into the next couple of levels and repeat.

Playing these missions again with more waves is not as entertaining as I had hoped. The charm of Evil Defenders wears off as soon as your grinding the same small cul-de-sac style dirt road for the third time. Granted, several tower defense games offer more challenging missions on the same maps to offer gamers more content. With this game however, this extra challenge is forced on you. Want to make it the end? You will have to grind. Keep in mind Evil Defender has roots in mobile gaming, where mindless grinding is more common, but nothing was done to alter its repetitive approach for PC gaming.

What began with an opening cut scene, touched with humor and charm, is forgotten for nearly the rest of the game. Perhaps more thumb faced humans could have provided a motivation to continue grinding, or not, but it’s odd that there was nothing at all in that arena as you progressed. Another deterrent towards boring constant grinding perhaps would be to approach matters as other tower defense games have done. Offering challenges without 1-2 tower types to challenge your strategic placements. Evil Defenders does not utilize handicap strategies of this type, and instead increases the strength and length of each wave depending on difficulty.

When combined with the repetitive nature of this game, the enjoyable aspects of Evil Defenders become overwhelmed. Its ironic that the game requires souls for upgrading, but in the lengthy tedious grind to get there it sells away its own. Evil Defenders does have the ability to provide hours of entertainment for tower defense fans who just want to conquer, upgrade, and defeat waves no matter the size- this is their game. It is in fact a solid, well made game with sound mechanics. For the non-dedicated tower defense gamers, there is little compelling reason to jump into the upgrading hamster wheel.

Evil Defenders Score

A solid representation of many of the mechanics set forth in Kingdom Rush. However, there is an extensive grind required to advance through each level, one that ultimately ruins the overall enjoyment of this game. Each advancing difficulty requires more upgrades not necessarily more creative approaches to your style of play.

Evil defenders heart of fire
    • Platforms:
    • PC |
  • Developer: CP Decision
  • Publisher:CP Decision
  • Release: November 11, 2015

Evil Defenders Apk

Originally released on iOS and Android, Crazy Panda’s tower defense game Evil Defenders has arrived on PC and Mac. While it might not be fair to call it a cookie cutter product, it doesn’t stray far from the template set by Kingdom Rush or Fieldrunners or a dozen other successful tower defense games. Then again, depending on your appetite for innovation and novelty, that might not be a bad thing. Sometimes comforting familiarity fits the bill.

The tower defense genre has been around since at least 1990 and the popularity of gaming on mobile systems pushed the genre forward. It’s not hard to understand why, as the relatively short stages and waves of enemies are perfect for abbreviated play sessions, and the simplicity of most tower defense control schemes fits well into limited screen real estate. The popularity of mobile tower defense apps likewise encouraged developers to create full-size and full-featured games for PC, such as Plants vs Zombies, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Defense Grid, Defenders of Arcania or GemCraft. Many of these PC titles eventually found their way to mobile platforms as well.

In their purest form, tower defense games require the player to place structures along a predefined pathway, to combat ever-increasing and more challenging waves of enemies. In these “classic style” games — of which Evil Defenders is a perfect example — each tower can be upgraded with abilities that counter specific enemy types, such as powerful archers or mages that bring down flying enemies or artillery that crushes heavily armored foot soldiers. Evil Defenders, like most games in the genre, warns the player about what type of wave is coming so they can plan accordingly. Most of these games also add into the mix special several hero-type units or god-like powers that are on cool-down timers and must be used strategically. In between levels, just about everything can be upgraded, though there is never enough cash (or stars, or, in the case of Evil Defenders, spirits) to upgrade everything, so choices must be made. Borderlands 2: headhunter 5: son of crawmerax. The meta strategy is often where microtransactions appear, appealing to the impatient gamer.

Visually, it seems like most tower defense games come in one of two flavors: high-tech themed, or fantasy themed. Evil Defenders falls into the latter camp, and its design is bright and colorful and looks much better on PC than on a tiny phone or even iPad display. Levels take place in all sorts of environments, from jungles to deserts to islands, and even some snowy landscapes. Lots of little details, like cascading waterfalls and flocks of birds, bring the levels to life, but none of the levels are very large, presumably an artifact of their conception for the small screen. Most of them have six tower placement positions.

Although its gameplay is right-down-the-center rote, a couple of things help distinguish Evil Defenders from its tower defense brethren. For starters, there’s the whimsical premise that it’s the evil characters that are defending The Lands of Evil from good. The player gets to manage all sorts of rather comical and charming looking monstrosities, orcs, wizards, goblins and trolls as they try to defeat the more mundane (mostly) human enemies. It’s a fun idea, if not entirely new, to play the “bad guys.”

Evil Defenders Guide

More negatively, Evil Defenders sets itself apart by being more challenging than most tower defense games, and unfortunately this difficulty comes from the glacial pacing in the way it rewards points (spirits) during combat. Upgrading units or earning enough souls to place needed towers is simply too slow for the quantity and speed of enemy waves. Impatience is not something one usually feels with the pace of these games.

Evil Defenders Mod

Evil defenders

On mobile systems, Evil Defenders Caravan download. is a free to play game with everything beyond the three introductory levels locked behind microtransactions, and the player is constantly encouraged to spend money to buy enough spirits to progress at a reasonable pace. Happily, the Steam/PC version lacks this annoyance but the pacing and reward/upgrade issues have not been addressed.

Closing Comments:

Evil Defenders Trainer

Thanks to these problems, a visually charming and potentially enjoyable — if thoroughly unoriginal — tower defense game becomes much harder to recommend. Of course, grinding to earn upgrade points is always an option, but the levels aren’t that charming. Tower defense games aren’t exactly gaming junk food, but their secret is in rapid pace and a steady forward progression. Get that wrong and not much else matters.

Evil Defenders Download Pc

Version Reviewed: PC