
Hurtworld wiki

You can host a dedicated server for Hurtworld or rent one from a game server provider that can host one for you. You can run the server normally, or in headless mode (without graphics).

Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec 'host 12871;queryport 12881;servername My Server' -logfile 'gamelog.txt' //Roger `- batchmode ` and `- nographics ` tell the game to run headless. Hurtworld is a hardcore survival MMO, set in a merciless world. Survive with your friends and create a new world where hope will blossom again. Hurtworld v1.0.0.5 - Portable. Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on competitive gunplay and strategic map control. It was a super raw experience when we launched into early access three years ago but with the help of the community we have refined and ironed out the majority of issues to a point where we are happy to start expanding our player base. Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on deep survival progression that doesn't become trivial once you establish some basic needs. That feeling when you're freezing to death trying to make a fire, or you're defenceless being chased by creatures. These experiences are what make a survival game.

Installation[edit | edit source]


To configure a Hurtworld Server, you must download steamcmd.exe. Once you have SteamCMD on your computer, we recommend setting up a batch file to update HurtWorld. To do this, type the following:

steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir C:servershurtworld +login anonymous +app_update 405100 validate +quit

You need to run this command from where you have steamcmd.exe located. This will download all the install files to c:servershurtworld. You can change this directory to wherever you like.

Running[edit | edit source]

To run the server, type the following:Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec 'host 12871;queryport 12881;servername My New Server;addadmin <My Steam ID>' -logfile 'gamelog.txt'

  • Hurtworld.exe is run from the c:servershurtworld folder
  • -nographics runs the server headless, so uses less resources
  • -exec executes a bunch of commands. In this instance, it sets the host port, query port, server name and adds an admin
  • The admin is a 64bit steamid. You can find yours here.
  • The last part -logfile points to where you want the game to log to

Promoting And Tracking[edit | edit source]

Hurtworld Host


If you are looking to promote your server and/or track it, you can submit it on this service :


Hurtworld Gm

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